Thursday, October 23, 2014


 Species- Group of organisms similar characteristics.
Evolution- Change in inherited characteristics over time.
Natural Selection- Traits best suited for environment survive.
Variation- Inherited trait that makes an organisms better suited for it's environment.
Gradualism- Evolution is slow change. Tens of millions of years.
Punctuated equilibrium- Evolution is few thousand years or million years of even fast with change coming in decades.
Adaptation- A variation that makes an organism better suited for it's environment. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

the effects of the environment

1. Riding ATV's Over kill one kind of type of bug or grass
2. Wind Turbines from wind farms. help us us the envermt so we dont us factory to palut the air

3.Flooding kill grass and weeds and trees 

Bozeman Science Video

        Something that I thought was interesting in the video was the symbiotic relationship between the aunts and the fungus. The aunts feed the fungus leafs, and in turn the fungus breaks down the cellulose in the leaf for food for the aunts. The video also said that the aunts that were working close to the fungus had a bacteria on them that worked the same way that our penicillin works.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Positive and Negative on the Environment

                                                Positive and Negative on the Environment

Riding 4 wheelers - both positive and negative. Negative - Say if you used the same route every day in a pasture grass would have a hard to growing there, but if you took different routes or just not as often you are helping spread seed around (positive).

Floods - negative, floods have the ability to take out human and animals habitats.

Wind turbines - negative, takes up space and uses energy to put them up and keep them going, positive they create energy.

Effects on the Environment

Riding four wheelers : Positive : When riding four wheelers, the rider may spread seeds from the plants that are going to seed.
                                     Negative : When riding four wheelers, the rider may run over an animal, or break of a stem to a plant.  If the rider repetitively rides over the same area, it will stomp the plants down and kill them.

Flooding : Positive : Flooding will provide the soil with nutrients.
                 Negative : Flooding may kill fish if it is a river that is flooding.

Wind Turbines : Positive : Wind turbines are an easy way to make energy.
                           Negative : It takes up land space.

Positive and negative effects in the environment

Riding ATV's on land:
Negative: The negative effect of riding ATV's on land is that you can run over tiny animals and destroy their environment and habitats. That is why you should always ride in roads.
Positive: The positive effect of riding ATV's on land is that

Wind Turbines from Wind Farms:
Positive: Wind turbines from wind farms are positive because they make energy

Negative: Flooding can be negative because it can destroy some of the animals habitats

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Positive and Negative Effects on the Environment

A positive effect on having wind turbines is that they are a good way of producing green energy. Wind turbines are green and efficient because they use wind to push the big fins and then there are parts that create friction and make electricity. One problem that wind turbines have is that here recently birds have been flying into the turbines and the bird population is decreasing rapidly.

A positive effect on an ATV is that it helps when you go through the pasture it spreads the grass seed and hopefully the seed will grow. A negative effect on an ATV is that they pollute the atmosphere.

A positive effect on a flood is that the flood brings moisture to the ground for the plants to use. 
A negative effect from a flood is that a flood would destroy habitats, land, and all other sort of things that would be in the way of a flood.

Bozeman Video on Communities

One thing I thought that was interesting was that in the video was towards the end he talked about how that India has a larger growth rate than China does. He had a diagram to show that China had a huge growth rate earlier than India at the time, but not as big as a couple generations now. Because of China’s small growth rate India in the later years would become the most populous country worldwide.

Bozeman Video

  In the Bozeman video the topic was about ecology, biotic and abiotic limiting factors, food webs, pyramids, and chains. The fungi produces this kind of sugar that the ant eats. The video also included what BBECPO means.It basically means everything there is in an ecology.  At the end of the video it talks about exponential growth and how exponential growth works and what it does to the living ecology.

Bozeman Video

In the Bozeman video the topic was about ecology, biotic and abiotic limiting factors, food webs, pyramids, and chains. Species diversity means the total amount. The leaf cutter ant chews up the leaf and feeds it to fungi that lives with the ants. Then the fungi produces this kind of sugar that the ant eats. In the end of the video it talked about exponential growth and how it works.

Effects on the Environment

Write and explain the kind of effect (positive or negative) the following have on the environment and why?
1) Riding ATV's over the land: This is a negative effect because it tears up the grass and kills plants and vegetables if you go over it over and over again.

   2) Wind turbines from wind farms: is a negative effect on the environment because you have to cut down trees and dig holes in the grass and it ruins some habits and other things. 

3) Flooding is both negative an a positive effect the negative effect is  the environment because it kills plants and habitats it can also ruin houses.  The positive side it gives nutrients to the land.

Positive/Negative effects on enviconment

Windtubines- We get energy from them. They take up money and space.

Floods- Brings nutrents to the soal and helps grow crops. It brings damage and dangers to us.

ATV's- Puts exast and other chemicals in the air. May help grass grow.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Effects On The Environment

What effect does riding ATV's across the land? It kills the grass and makes dirt show.
What effect does building wind farms have? It has more energy produced.
What effect does flooding have? Less land to grow crops on.

videos thing

I Lerner  about bbecp
it was ok.

Bozeman Video

The video was mainly about ecology. We talked about food chains and webs. The end of the video it talked about exponential growth.

effects on the Environment

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why.
This requires research.
1. Riding ATV's Over the Land is good cause it spreads the grass and the negative part is it ruins ant home

2. Wind Turbines from wind farms.
help produce energy
3.Flooding - ruins the land

Effects on the environment

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why. 
This requires research. 
1. Riding ATV's Over the Land: is a Negative effect on the land because it tares up the land and the vegetation in that area 

2. Wind Turbines from wind farms. is a negative effect on the environment because you have to clear trees to put them in and you also have to dig the ground up and it also messes up birds migration routs

3.Flooding is both negative and positive effects on the environment because the flood kill all the crops you planted but the positive effect is that it brings in great nutrients for the land. 

Limiting Factors and Their Effect on Carrying Capacity

Identify and explain a biotic limiting factor. Biotic limiting factor is a a living factor that limits. An abiotic is a dead factor that limits.

Bozeman Video

In the Bozeman video the topic was about ecology, biotic limiting factors, and abiotic limiting factors.Another topic that was talked about in the video was food webs, chains, and pyramids. The video also included what BBECPO means. It basically means everything there is in an ecology. At the end of the video it talks about exponential growth and how exponential growth works and what it does to the living ecology.

Bozeman Science Video

In the Bozeman Science video he talked about the Ecology. BBECPO means Organisms, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biome, Biosphere. Species Composition means where you go into a group of animals or trees and make a pie chart of all the species or types of organisms living in an area. Species Diversity means not the biggest amount, but the total amount. The leaf cutter ants chew up the leafs and feed it to a fungi that lives with the ants. Then the fungi produces this kind of sugar that the ants eat. That is a symbiotic relationship between the Leaf Cutter Ants and the fungi.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Movie blog

Hi I am Derrick Bronzynski and i am talking about a movie we watch in science the other day and i thought the hole thing was cool. Out of the hole video i didn't dislike anything i like everything that was on the movie.

Effects on earth

            Hi I am Derrick Bronzynski and I am writing about effects on earth. Riding four wheeler make holes in the ground and the animal nest and then if u got to step in them u brake your ankle.

            Floods are not good on the earth because it washed all of the grass down. But if the water don't wash the grass down their are major floods.

           The win turbines are alright I guess because they help produce energy and help everybody houses and businesses and even the schools. They take up a lot of space. It takes like 8 trucks to carry them to the destination.
Bowzmen vid

i like the bbepco  part and how everything fits into it.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Effects on the enviorment

Wind Turbines from wind farms are a positive effect because they use the wind to make energy. Flooding is positive effect because it could fill up the dry lakes, ponds, and rivers, that would be a positive effect. Riding ATV's over the land would be a negative effect because the gas that comes out of the ATV's are harmful and it goes into the oxygen that we breath.

Effects on the Enviornment

Write and Explain the kind of effect( positive or negative or both) the following have on the environment and why. 
This requires research. 
1. Riding ATV's Over the Land- is both positive and negative on the environment because if you just ride on the dirt roads and your not hurting a habitat or anything it is a positive effect on the environment. 
It is a negative  effect if you ride on fields and you run over a turkey nest or just even run over a bean plant its self. 

2. Wind Turbines from wind farms- this is a negative effect on the environment because you have to cut trees down and dig holes and ruin habitats when you do these things but you have to when you want to put in a wind turbine.

3.Flooding- is a negative effect on the environment because it will ruin your grass and make it turn brown or either drowned your grass. Flooding is a negative effect on the environment because it will kill the crops. 

Bozeman Video on Community.

     During the video he started talking about the equator and he asked don't you think most animals would live close to the equator but thats not true.

     Tords the end of the video he started talking about caring capacity and how the population of humans won't just keep on increasing.

Bozeman Video

Leaf ants carry leafs to their nests and feed a fungus. Which in turn gives the ants suger. They chow the leafs and gives them to it.

biotic and abiotic limiting factors

Biotic Factor is something that is living. the rattlesnake is an example of a biotic factor rattle snakes can be a limiting factor to the environment because they take nests of owls and other birds they kill squirrels and they take over gopher dens

abiotic factor the dirt road is an example of a abiotic factor cause it isnt living