Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Evidence of Evolution

1st example of evolution: fossils, The fossil record shows that the simplest fossils will be found in the oldest rocks, and it can also show a smooth and gradual transition from one form of life to another. 

2nd example of evolution: the universal genetic code, All cells on Earth, from our white blood cells, to simple bacteria, to cells in the leaves of trees, are capable of reading any piece of DNA from any life form on Earth.  This is very strong evidence for a common ancestor from which all life descended.

3rd example: Embryology is the science of the development of an embryo from the fertilization of the ovum to the fetus stage.; they study the embryos. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like on how you talked about that you could trace your DNA clear back to anything of life on Earth. I think it is pretty cool that scientist are able to trace stuff like that now. Good Job!
